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(^_^) Khairun Aimi bt Khairun Anuar ~sebaik-baik keberkatan sebaik-baik cahaya~ (^_^) 03071991

Tuesday 31 December 2019

Goodbye 2019.

My 2019's highlights..

- start koje dalam ward 5D (Surgery Urology)

- 1st time koje dalam ward shift pagi pakai baju kurung. Jabatan beri kelonggaran

- 5.8 hingga 9.8 ditawarkan pi kursus PTM di UPSI. kumpulan RENTAP where i met MF.
- 23.8, permulaan MF KA
- 1st time koje di hari merdeka pakai uniform bertudungkan bawal kekaboo corak bendera, yg melambangkan semangat patriotik

- 14hb, 1st time T/O pt ke Hospital Teluk Intan naik ambulan. sampai sana dengan hosp blackout pulak..hahaha..claim ot, dapatlaaa dlm rm100

- pindah bilik sewa baru di Cemara Apt. legaa sbb dpt parking private.
- 1st time join bowling tournament under Surgery. 1 team ngan Kj Ila, Kak zue, Kak ija n Faiz. Jadi bidan terjun ganti Acap
- merasa mandi pool Hotel Berjaya Times Square, thanks to Kak Zue
- lulus 100% exam BLS

- pegi Kelantan wedding cikah
- diberi kesempatan celebrate wedding anniversary mak ayah merangkap birthday celebration

Thursday 26 December 2019


Tengok video and lirik video ni ase macam sebijik sgttt kisah ceq yang skrg ni haaa.. Main tarik2x tali gitu..cubaaa la advance sikit, beranikan diri tu jumpa mak ayah ceq, ada niat nak halalkan ceq..ni taaaaak..humm..xnampak effort tu..so xtaw yg awak ni serius ke x..ke sekadar main2x aje..sekadar jadikan sy ni pengisi masa lapang awk je..ke sy je yg bertepuk sebelah tangan..sy je ke yg syok sendiri..sy xtaw ape yg awak fikirkan..kalau lah sy tau..humm.. 😕😡

Thursday 19 December 2019

Love Yourself

If marriage is not the goal, then why are you dating?
That is like working a job and saying you do not want benefits and a retirement plan

Do not cry over someone that doesn't cry over you.
Do not hold onto someone that is not holding on to you.
You do not have to hate them, but you can love them from a distance.

You have to be willing to lose them to keep them.
If they feel like you will stay no matter what, they will never respect you.
But as soon as they realize that you are strong enough to live without them, that is when they see your true value.

You can't keep chasing someone who doesn't want to be caught.
You can have your fairytale love but it has to be with someone who wants to be in your story.
Pay attention to the signs and know when it's time to let go.

Wednesday 18 December 2019